To access your courses on eLEARN:
For employed Staff, please login with your employee ID
For MOHH Staff, please login with your MOHH Employee number
If you forgot the password or this is first time login, please do a self-reset password using the “Forgot Your LMS Password” link - right below the Sign In button. Please check your email inbox as you will receive an email from eLEARN to reset your password.
Else you may contact your course coordinators or institutional representatives to find out what is your eLEARN login.
Thank you for your attention.
-- Applicable to all institutions under NHG --
1. By accessing and using this system, you shall be deemed to have accepted to be legally bound by these Terms of Use.
2. The use of the system is not meant for personal use but strictly restricted to the context of learning and teaching in the institution.
3. By accessing and using this system, you shall be deemed to accept that the use of personal information is strictly for internal use only. Click on below for information on Personal Data Protection Notification from NHG
(via internet)
(via intranet)
To facilitate automatic notifications from eLEARN to your mailbox, please ensure that your latest email address is updated into your account. To update your email address is very simple, please follow these steps:
1. Logon to eLEARN.
2. Click your login name at the top right corner.
3. Select "Change Profile"
4. Update your email address
4. Click Save. is scheduled for monthly system maintenance by our vendor on the last Sunday of every month from 0000 to 0700hrs.
During this period, eLEARN is not accessible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.